Desert Sage School

place Tucson, Arizona, USA


Saved on 16 projects and calls

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Guided by the principles of Public Waldorf education, we celebrate diversity, embrace equity, and cultivate inclusion to create space for an educational experience that bridges opportunity gaps, develops students' academic and life skills, and inspires lifelong learning.

Our Vision
We envision a world where an unwavering belief in the dignity of truth honors and celebrates each student's unique gifts and empowers their self-agency.

Our Values
We engage our students, their peers and families, and the larger community through:
* deep and meaningful relationships of respect and empathy.
* arts-infused exploration and project-based collaboration.
* community and global action that sustains the planet our students will inherit.

What We Do

See and honor individuality in all students so that they can attain their unique aspirations.

Desert Sage School is working towards weaving together three important elements (1) Waldorf education with (2) diversity, equity, and inclusion, and (3) Arizona charter. By doing so, we hope to create an accessible educational space where each student can develop their unique capacities, celebrate their culture, and develop their compassion and understanding of others.


April W
April W.
Board President
Venus-Tyane K
Venus-Tyane K.
Board Vice-President
David W
David W.
Board Member